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This stuff is mostly related to ATM, or Amateur Telescope Making.  

Messier.pdf 107 of 110 messier objects.  These are charts that are optimized for a Telrad.   Easy to print in PDF format.  5.5 MB.  If you want the individual charts,  download the ZIP file below.  Contains Telrad optimized charts for all (well I'm missing 3 right now) 110 messier objects.  Size is about 5 MB.  I borrowed these from Messier Telrad Finder Charts.  The zip file is a little bit more convenient, in my opinion.

Bronze Eyepiece Adapter  This is the first thing I made from scratch with my new lathe.
Eyepieces   My eyepiece collection.
Celestron    9.25" Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain
Binoculars   University Optics 80MM
Mirrors   Large Thin Mirror
Newtonian   Home Made 6" f4
Astroscan   4" classic red Astroscan

Astronomy Links   Self Explanatory



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